The Kingdom come

Photo by Emily Turner Watson.

A pause

A gasp

A quiet

But instead of division, dread, fear, or breath holding

I noticed

Strangers talking in the parking lot

A man offered me his glasses

The white woman asking the brown young man

Can you see it?

Mother and child took a break from their hurried grocery


Standing beside their car to watch, to enjoy

Neighbors who normally look down

Waved to each other

Children cheered from the schoolyard

Construction workers sang songs louder than usual

I even danced in the street

To some sun-themed song

Collective awe and wonder

Permeated the atmosphere

Mosquitoes came out to see, too

Buzzing around our ankles

This time we welcomed their Presence

Made easier to bear because everything felt like it belonged

Normal nuisances and unfulfilled to do's

Even grief felt far away

This day

A few birds skipped from branch to branch

Butterflies hovered longer than usual

Nature sounds vibrated

With clarity

All of us lingering with and in


For a few minutes


We saw and experienced

A glimpse of seeing and knowing

Our oneness

Seemingly all that was intended

For a moment

Thy Kingdom came

And a prayer emerged:

Loving Creator, may we remember that you have invited us into your Universe as both participants and recipients. May we have eyes to see, ears to hear and open hearts to experience this blessing. In all of your Holy names, Amen!

This poem was written by Emily Turner Watson in response to the total solar eclipse that occurred in April 2024 and originally published in House of Gratitude.


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