Emily Turner Emily Turner

To Find

My cousin’s recent separation

The other one

Who was let go from her job

Dad’s upcoming birthday…

These thoughts, I consider them my prayers

A piece of toast emerges from the toaster

A little bite before buttering

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

One wild precious life: A conversation with Dr. Ruben Habito

Many of us in the contemplative faith circles met Ruben through his work at Perkins School of Theology at SMU where he served as head of the spiritual formation program for seminary students as well as director of their spiritual direction program. He has impacted many of us with his loving and gentle wisdom reminding us all that we are indeed beloved. As a spiritual director, author and teacher, Ruben has shared his love of God through many channels. One aspect that makes his life particularly inspiring is his ability to combine Eastern religious teachings with his Christian tradition. Did you know he was a Jesuit priest before meeting his wife? This is a story he shares in this episode.

Ruben is not an either or person, but a both and. Wisdom we can learn from and share especially in the divided world in which we currently find ourselves.  

Ruben invites himself and those around him to remember their breath, their holy breath – a practice he incorporates regularly. Our prayer and hope is this conversation reminds you that you are beloved as well as giving you a moment to check in with the holy breath within you.

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

No bad parts: Exploring internal family systems

Instead of going straight to a diagnosis like obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or anxiety, or labeling ourselves as too uptight, or too this or too that, the IFS model invites us to turn towards the parts of ourselves that are causing disruption in our behavior, to dialogue with the part and to ask them what need wasn’t met in the past.

What might they need to let go of? What do they want brought to the light? What needs to be said? What are they afraid would happen if they didn’t work so hard doing this particular thing in the system?

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

Find peace amidst the noise with Seneca Alma

“We are all internally at our core dealing with our own little storms, and prison was a huge educator for me. Whatever the outside looks like - businessman, stay-at-home mom, gang member, you name it, we are all more alike than we like to admit.”

— Seneca Alma

I recently talked to Alma who works as a business and social entrepreneur providing mental and physical fitness opportunities to others. If you’re inclined to check out his social media profiles, you’ll find his inspired hashtag #prisonchangedmylife.

And now he’s using his experience to bring transformation and change to others’ lives.

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

Sunshine Cottage provides natural refuge for pilgrims

Located in Red River County, Texas, a local Dallas family and fellow spiritual director Arva Tatman offers a day and overnight retreat to those seeking temporary leave from the noise of city life. Visiting pilgrims can enjoy the local produce grown on he land.

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

All we need is a manger

Who knew my younger brother had such wisdom!? I actually did. He is much sweeter than me, quietly sharing little nuggets of truth along the way. I share this, because it touched my heart, as it serves as such a good reminder.

Whatever and however you are this Christmas season, and for those who don’t celebrate Christmas, I still offer these words and story, because it is grounding.

My heart tells me he might have been saying:

All we need is love. All we need is each other. All we need is God.

We have all we need.

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

Limitations bring light in the darkness: An evening with Andrea Bocelli

What beauty and aliveness might be even more bright and radiant because of my limitation? Also, I think of the dancers and painters and other artists who sang with and escorted Bocelli on and off stage, making the artistic expression even more full through their mutuality. Who in my life might co-create with me and I with them, making the experience even more full and more lovely?

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

Meet me at the labyrinth

An interview with a fellow spiritual director who has discovered her call within a call - the gift and healing power of labyrinths in urban areas.

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

Best part of me

We sat cross-legged across from each other on the astroturf of my parent’s backyard. Her face seemed a bit drawn, less bright than usual. She was normally talkative or silly or inquisitive. Something told me to let the silence connect us.

~ An excerpt from an essay on a day with my niece and a loving kindness meditation towards self

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

Holy, Holy, Holy: The Experience Circle invites us to more

The Experience Circle is a tool and way of thinking that encourages us to widen our perspective, looking for the ways we hear, feel, see, taste, touch and notice the Divine in all areas of our life. Enjoy this meditation as a solo prayer practice or in 1:1 or group spiritual directions sessions.

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Emily Turner Emily Turner


This is a poem written about the bittersweet nature of loving and leaving a home. New beginnings also bring goodbyes.

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Emily Turner Emily Turner


Poetry written during a day touring the Painted Churches in Central Texas — these words reflect a day where all seemed well.

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Poetry Emily Turner Poetry Emily Turner

I love you, too

Writing poetry about grandparents has been a way to understand my generational history and in turn better understand myself and my ministry. I love you, too, is a poem about my paternal grandfather.

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

Healing Power of Story: A Glimpse Inside Faith and Grief

Shelton reminds us that while we all are uniquely and creatively made in God’s image, we are also all very much human and not that different from one another, at least in the way in which life’s joys and sorrows will meet us all - at one point or another. Oftentimes, there’s desire or belief that our life or circumstances are drastically different than our neighbors. We think in terms of absolutes - oh, I must be the only one.

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Writing Emily Turner Writing Emily Turner

A Love Mission

As a spiritual director who has been trained to sit and listen to individuals share the inner most part of themselves and also as someone who has been in church my entire life, I hear what Burns is saying. I’ve noticed in others and also in myself a real sense of burnout. It is like we are on a hamster wheel of “more.”

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

Countering Racism: A List of Loving Action

In so many ways and in so many places, conversations on racism are happening across our country. Perhaps there are cracks in your views and understandings? Maybe you’re being called to serve in a new way? Does part of your inner world need attention and care so you might better love yourself, others, the world?

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Emily Turner Emily Turner

Freedom to Explore: Finding Common Ground

Could it be that each tradition makes up the whole, having something, a flare, an offering, a prayer practice, a scripture that the other doesn’t posses?

Linden-Schade finds this wholeness through exploration, through looking for beauty and for accepting that the way God relates to us and the way we relate to God is as vast as the night sky.

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